

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 6 months ago



Release 0.9

  • Create basic behaviors such as signal handling
  • Create an auto-generating tool which generates primitives from C headers
  • Cover main Gtk API
  • Create basic demos
  • Create a basic toolset and an MVC framework
  • Modify platform files suitable with new VM callback changes


Release 1.0

  • Cover most of Gtk API
  • Create all demos
  • Improve the toolset and the MVC framework


Release 1.1

  • Cover all Gtk API
  • Cover most of Gdk API
  • Create a flexible HTML docgen


Release 1.2

  • Cover all Gdk API
  • Fix bugs and test all methods
  • Create easy-to-use development tools and classes over the Gtk base


Release 1.3

  • Stabilize and clean all the code
  • Create a complete GtkToolSet (inspector, reflective management of widgets, efficient class browser, a basic project manager and designer) with a powerful and pluggable MVC framework

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